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Firm Overview
The Innovative Pricing Group delivers high-ROI statistical price optimization, value-based pricing, and strategic price management solutions to B2B business organizations. Our experience covers many different industries, though we maintain a particular focus on B2B distribution, where we completed projects in a variety of verticals including MRO, san-jan, automotive, power transmission, and others. We bring the following credentials to the table:
Although we specialize in pricing transformations, our projects have varied from new product pricing, market research, offer reconfiguration, pricing due diligence/integration, training and change management, price optimization, as well as building pricing reporting/analytics platforms. Even when our focus is limited, we consider all key VETOB framework elements in project design and delivery. |

Our management team has extensive experience with modern, sophisticated pricing best practices used by Fortune 500 companies, which we gained from our work in both industry and consulting settings. We use proven, powerful, state-of-the-art pricing tools, including our world-renown, proprietary VETOB framework. |
Billing arrangements vary by project, and they often involve innovative fee structures that reduce the need for upfront investment before the ROI is proven in practice. Due to declining statistical computing power costs and our scalable, low-overhead delivery model, our sophisticated solutions are affordable to businesses of various sizes. We have helped several clients with annual sales from $10 million to $50 million (as well as some much larger businesses).
Since the firm's 2014 inception, we have consistently maintained an impeccable track record of leading successful pricing initiatives, and of achieving project objectives without fail. Our unsurpassed success record results from our full-service model that covers all key aspects of pricing transformation from analytics to execution/change management, and from our holistic, yet highly adaptable approach where we tailor our methodologies to each specific pricing / business environment.
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